The 1 Daily Habit that will Make You a More Effective Leader

Even before the pandemic smashed into all 7.8 billion of us on this planet, there was an emerging buzz about a “new” technique that every leader had to do. As far back as 2015, highly respected business publications like Harvard Business Review, Forbes and Inc. were speaking to the benefits of this magical tool for leaders – and I have been blogging on it since 2013! What is it?

I’m taking a break …

“I’m tired of blogging”
I texted my friend Ingrid Riley, my go-to advisor on all things digital.
“Well stop” she replied in a voice note, her tone strident in its instruction.
So I did. I emailed Silke, who posts my blogs, to let her know I am taking a break from blogging.
But this morning, I woke up and thought that I should let you, my loyal subscribers and readers, know.