The Dark Side of Self-Care: Is It Making Us More Stressed?

The phrase has become a mantra in our lives, a constant reminder that we need to carve out time for ourselves in an increasingly busy world. It’s on mugs, T-shirts, and social media feeds everywhere. There’s no doubt that the core message is valuable: you can’t pour from an empty cup. I am the first to advocate for self-care. I practice it in my life, and have done so for years, following the example of my beautiful mother who was a self-care queen.

Learn how to make problem solving fun – play NYT Games

A few months ago, at a reunion of my business school girlfriends, a number of them waxed lyrical about NYT Games. We are all in our wisdom years, so we are very aware of the importance of keeping the mind active. Research has shown that mind games like crosswords, wordle, sudoku, help keep our minds active and alert. Intrigued, I downloaded the app (it’s free) and started playing.