“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single small step”
How do you get your team members to improve their performance? You can set big targets e.g. “Walk a thousand miles” and leave them to flounder, or you can help them to make small, daily steps that add up to that thousand mile journey! I just completed a 17-day Video Challenge, in which I learned how to make short videos. I am amazed at the progress I made in such a short time, with a commitment of only 20 minutes per day. I realise that:
- Daily practice adds up to big improvement
- Perfection and procrastination are best friends – I had procrastinated for years about making videos because I was so obsessed with being perfect
- How much we learn from each other – I learned so much from my fellow learners in the challenge.
As a leader, you can apply these lessons to developing your team – break down improvement into small bits, celebrate progress, not perfection and encourage your team to learn from each other, not just you. I am so thrilled with my progress. And your team will be thrilled with theirs when you adopt this approach, and with you as their leader.
Remember: one step after another helps your team achieve that thousand mile journey with ease, grace and joy
Thanks for reminding me of this. Really important when the tasks seems so insurmountable ?. By the way lovely setting.
You are most welcome Grace. Small steps really do add up!
Gratefully and joyfully
Love this great reminder on this snowy day especially looking at the beautiful flowers in your picture! I am going to apply this to exercise….
Oh yes Sharon – it’s a great approach to exercise!
Enjoy the snow – I will soon be back in it.
Gratefully and joyfully
Hi Marguerite I must commend you on this wonderful learning idea making and using short videos which essentially don’t take more than twenty minutes each day to be prepared and shared with clients or out teams in a learning environment.
I am excited after viewing your video for February 13, 2020 and really see the wisdom in your new approach to learning and getting more participation from our teams and clients . It is my intention to try and implement this idea of learning from each other using videos effectively.
Marguerite I have procrastinated also in making changes on how to improve my skills although I have had tremendous success over the years but definitely time has changed as we now have social media and information is shared much faster than before.So more clients and team members are more informed about new developments. Therefore as you have stated we can learn more from each other but we must be disciplined to be willing to listen attentively to others and focus on the good points they have shared in any forum and leave the negative ones out of this kind of interaction.
Marguerite I wish to thank you for sharing this exciting idea and love your well done video so do continue to share any new ones with me as I always had a healthy respect for the way you analyse business matters and make objective business decisions.
One thing for sure this is way to go for 2020 and beyond to assist us all to improve our learning from each other.
Dear Errol
Thank you so much for your kind words. You are inspiring me to continue on this journey, so loom out for more videos!
Gratefully and joyfull