Austin at Home Depot – When An Employee Is a Raving Fan
My gentleman and I went paint shopping at Home Depot last weekend. As we waited for the paint expert to complete our order, I noticed a smiling young man in a Home Depot uniform, close by.
My gentleman and I went paint shopping at Home Depot last weekend. As we waited for the paint expert to complete our order, I noticed a smiling young man in a Home Depot uniform, close by.
Perhaps the “newness” of the New Year has worn off, the cold of winter is still biting and you may feel lacking in energy and motivation.
“Can we just move on? It’s just semantics,” moaned the CEO, weary of listening to his team grappling to pinpoint the right words to craft their organisation’s mission statement.
As we close 2018, I say a big “thank you” to everyone who read, shared and commented on my blogs. It has been a pleasure to write them (even in the wee hours of the morning as my own deadline looms).
Recently, someone said something to me that I found inexplicable and hurtful. The person accused me of being arrogant and offensive. Now that is not my intention at all of how I intend to live my life.
In early December last year, a client’s mother died, two weeks before Christmas. A very valued employee, he managed the regional operations for a retail business.
What do you do during the safety procedures drill at the beginning of a flight? Are you paying attention? Or are you like me?
“Don’t freak out but yesterday I had to go to the emergency room. I was cutting open an avocado and the knife sawed straight into the wedge between my index and middle finger.
Over the last 3 weeks, I launched my second book, “Forget It! What’s the Point?” on social media and then live in Jamaica. I am now into full execution mode for my book tours. It’s a great time for me to stop and reflect on my journey with this book over the last year…
Please indulge me today, as I introduce you to my new book: “Forget It! What’s the Point? Letting Go and Claiming Joy”
I launched it last week on social media and will soon be trekking all over the place on my book tour, reading, talking, listening and helping people to explore their own stories of holding on and letting go.
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